About Me

I'm Andrew Guk, Developer
from Lviv, Ukraine

I have over 10 years of experience working in product development in Marketplaces and SaaS using Ruby on Rails and Vue.js. I provide web app development as a service, building valued online platforms, tools and integrations for businesses and charities, suppliers and organizations, and helping them to grow their products, fundraising programs, and sales with trust and understanding.

Image by Keo Dara
RubyGolangTypeScriptJavaScriptVue.jsNuxt.jsRuby on RailsSQLHTML/CSSServicesRESTReactNext.jsTailwind CSSBootstrapFundraisingeCommerceStripe
12 months React Next.js Tailwind CSS Organization Self-Service Portal

Designed and implemented a robust signup forms solution with validation using Vue and Vite for the frontend, and Express.js for the backend. Integrated PayPal as the payment gateway in the final steps to securely process payments. Leveraged Google Sheets to store and manage all user information, including payment IDs and statuses, ensuring seamless data tracking and retrieval.

6 months Vue Vite Express.js Comprehensive Signup and Payment Solution

The Seamless Self-Service Portal is designed to provide simplicity and efficiency for both customers and company colleagues across the business. It offers a consistent user experience and automates repetitive tasks, making them more intuitive and user-friendly.

30 months Ruby Golang Fundraising Platform

Online platform and tools to help businesses manage their product fundraising business, make raising money for local organizations of various type.

13 months Ruby eCommerce quotation platform with reporting tool

Software solution for managing customer quotes. The product gives ability for manager person to create customer, collect predefined quotes with custom options for any customer, and proceed to their account with single login bridge after to have instant pay feature.

16 months Ruby Vue Golang Test Collector Dashboard

Automation solution for managing applications testing process. The product provides ability to start, update and grow information from numerous services aimed on testing APIs or UI and manage results for CI processes of customer products.

6 months Node.JS Express React Online bet selling platform

PlatformĀ used onĀ online gamblingĀ site, allows persons to sell their predictions like products on local marketplace.

4 months Ruby Ruby On Rails Messenger communication web tool

Communication solution designed to connect users on existing platform. Gives ability to send both messages and media files using Twilio service.

10 months Ruby Release Package and Deploy System Web Console

Automation solution for managing deployments and updates of complex business critical Applications from Development to Production. The product provides seamless application deployment automation while automating the discovery, configuration management and correction of middleware, databases, operating systems, and environments configurations within the deployment process.

6 months PHP Pure JS Site support (backuping) system

A project that oriented on website administrators, managers, and developers. The application gives administrator ability to perform backups of the sites that he manages and prevent the data loss. Project contains two parts: administrator with multiple domain management ability and client single domain management.

12 months Ruby Ecommerce Web Store

The system that provides an ability for a company to make own commercial Web Store and manage storefront in an easy way. The system supports multiple roles such as admins, resellers, users etc. The main idea was to allow resellers and users easily add a new product by simplifying the way of adding. Every person has the ability to set up own unique designed product, edit the properties of material, size etc. and order it in a couple of days. Benefit for the company is to get more profit with fewer costs.

12 months PHP Interview platform

The commercial project that provides the way for companies to make video interviews with candidates from all over the world and get the best of them for vacancies. The main purpose was to deploy a system that allows companies to create own accounts and pages that meet company style and where candidates can pass their interview. Every person, in turn, can view the progress of his or her interview.

9 months PHP Forum CMS Database converter

Project goal is to develop forum based on CMS, which named Simple Machines Forum, that gives ability for site owner downgrade the version of SMF on his hosting server. Works with all sizes MySQL databases. Oriented on users that have not any special technical skills in DB development.

RubyGolangTypeScriptJavaScriptVue.jsNuxt.jsRuby on RailsSQLHTML/CSSServicesRESTReactNext.jsTailwind CSSBootstrapFundraisingeCommerceStripe